photo of yellow rat snake bathroom

Yellow Rat Snake

photo of opossum under nightstand

Opossum under nightstand

photo of monitor

Caught this water monitor (varanus salvator) in 2004. She's a bit moody, but still doing fine. Also my foot is there to show scale.. I'm not stepping on her. ha!

photo of monitor claw

Here's another view for scale purposes.

photo of opossum

This rough looking opossum was somehow locked in the trunk of someones car for 2 days before we got the call.. He was fine by the end of the week.

photo of raccoon

This raccoon lived under someone house happily until he pulled 6 large Koi from their fishpond.

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

photo of party possum

This guy couldn't make it out after the party.

photo of skunk

The conclusion of the story entitled "Who Sprayed the Poolman?" (Eastern Spotted Skunk)

photo of green ameiva

Green Ameiva

photo of brown water snake

Brown Water Snake

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

photo of chimney swift nest

Chimney Swift nest

photo of corn snake and yellow rat mix

Corn Snake and Yellow Rat Snake mix

photo of curly tailed lizard

Curly Tailed Lizard

photo of e spotted skunk

Eastern Spotted Skunk

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

photo of fox in yard

Gray Fox in yard

photo of free tail bat

Free Tail Bat

photo of green ameiva

Green Ameiva

photo of brown water snake

Brown Water Snake

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

photo of grey fox

Gray Fox

photo of grey fox

Gray Fox

photo of iguana on window

Iguana on Window

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

photo of raccoon


photo of rat snake

Rat Snake

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

photo of ring neck snake

Ring Neck Snake

photo of spiny tail iguana

Spiny Tail Iguana

photo of water monitor

Water Monitor

photo of knight anole

Knight Anole

Seen one of these animals in or around your home or business? Miami Animal Removal can help! (top)

More Photos and General Animal Information

Green Iguana | Opossum / Possom | Tokay (Gekko) Gecko

Miami Animal Removal is Fully Licensed and Insured.

All content © 2025 Miami Animal Removal | Miami, FL (786) 594-1189

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